Next Week: Daisies!
This week I will teaching you how to make the daisies in the quilt below. We will also be making yo-yos for the centers so please remember to bring the following: large (orange) yo-yo maker, needle, thread, scissors and one 4-1/2" square of fabric. This is a quick quilt and lots of fun to make.
Some kind soul wrote and asked me if I sell patterns for my quilts and jackets. I'm sorry, but I do not have patterns for sale yet. I hope to eventually, but it's a long way down the road. Right now my priorities are: getting my daughter graduated from high school and settled into a good college, making an ensemble for the 2008 Bernina Fashion Show, and getting caught up and maybe even ahead a little with the samples for the community college classes I teach. I never teach the same project twice so I am constantly in need of new samples, handouts, etc.
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