Sunday, March 08, 2009

More Photos from my Garden

Having grown up in Maine there are certain spring flowers I love that simply won't grow here in southern California because it doesn't get cold enough in the winter. A small price to pay for the ability to dye outdoors most of the year, but this time of year I miss them, especially the lily of the valleys and the lilacs.

Instead I will show you a few of the plants from my garden.

Creeping thyme I just love the texture of this tiny leaved plant. I want to play with it in Photoshop and use it somehow...

Bougainvillea another texture I love is the papery thinness of the flower bracts

Aeonium (I'm not sure about the spelling on this one, but I've always called it Alice for Alice Cooper, don't ask me why!) In Maine I grew these as house plants and it's so much more fun to see them spread out in nature. I especially like the two-toned color variations of these.

And another. Can't you just see the possibilities of a Photoshopped picture of these?

A sprig of plum blossoms, which do remind me of Maine.

And more plum blossoms. It looks like we'll have some fruit this year. I just hope Pierre gets home in time to enjoy it.


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