Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I'm back...

It's been so long since I've posted anything here I wonder if I even remember how! Yes, I'm still here and still quilting, I've just been so busy! See? I told you I was a procrastinator!

The kids had lots of summer activities. Jake (my 17 year old son, see picture above) went to New England (Boston and Maine) for a week and Philmont for 10 days and something else that I can't even remember any more! Elisia (my 16 year old daughter, see picture above) went to music camp for a week at UCLA and the music camp at Idyllwild for 2 weeks. And yes, I had to drive her to all those things. Idyllwild was the scariest drive since she was actually driving (she has her permit now) and hit her first-ever thunderstorm on our way up the side of the mountain. She was looking for the wiper button while I was reminding her to watch the road!

Wendy and I taught Palomar classes together this summer. It was lots of fun, but meant that I was gone from home much more than usual. I'm actually quite a homebody for someone who has moved as often as I have. Classes start again in 2 weeks so I should be making samples...

Last weekend Wendy and I went to Monterey. I did a fashion show for the wearable art group up there while Wendy ran the back room for me, seeing to it that the models were ready on time and looked good in what they were wearing. I had so much fun I can't wait until my next show in September! This one will be closer to home: North County Quilters in Escondido. My daughter, Elisia, will have to run the back room since Wendy will be doing a lecture at Canyon Quilters. Bad timing. It feels really strange to think of not having her at my show and not being there to help her with her lecture. We're used to helping each other and know the ropes by now.

I'm off to work on samples. I'll try to get something finished so I can show you some quilt pictures soon.