Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Spring Has Been Revised

Back in 1996 I made a jacket I call Spring. I was using a new-to-me pattern and instead of being smart and making a muslin... The neck was too large and it had the BIG shoulder pads popular at the time. I lined it with cotton, as was typical of my work in those days. I turned up the cuffs and added some extra prairie points for fun.

As one of my favorite jackets I wore it often and over time the cuffs became frayed and finally split. There were also a few stains on the binding. What to do...? Since I loved it so much I decided it was worth my time and trouble to remake it. I removed all the binding and tossed it out along with the lining. I recut it to my new short cardigan-style jacket pattern and assembled it.

I relined it using polyester satin which I stencilled using Stewart Gill paints. (Sorry I forgot to take a picture of that. Another day, 'kay?)

Turquoise fabric is hard to come by lately (have you noticed how fabric colors come and go in popularity, just like clothing colors?) so I ended up with a pink batik for the binding.

So this is my new/old Spring, back in my closet again. Maybe now it will find its way back into my fashion show.
On another note, I have some other older jackets I'm thinking about selling as-is. If anyone knows anything about the pros, cons and comparisons of Craig's List, Etsy and EBay I'd love a private email.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Finally Done!

Goodness, but it's been a long time since I posted anything here. My apologies, but I've had these show class proposals hanging over my head for quite a while. They are finally done (I'm printing photos as I type) and will be in the mail on the auspicious day of 9-9-09. Let's hope that brings me luck!

I have 3 class proposals for half day classes, 4 proposals for the sampler and one luncheon proposal. That was a lot of heavy thinking, organizing and preparing handouts, LOL!

Now to get back to some serious work. I have a jacket all ready to start and am in the final stages of finishing a group project with my mini group called Rhap Group. Can't show you that one since we hope to enter it into a show or two.

More soon, I have a paper jam to fix now...