Friday, April 25, 2008

3-Dimensional Bow Tie Quilt

Next week we will be making the 3-dimensional bow tie quilt. There is NO handout for this class. Instead I am asking you to bring the following items to class:
  1. six 4-1/2" squares of background fabric (all the same fabric)

  2. nine 4-1/2" squares of bow tie fabric (all the same fabric)

  3. needle, thread and scissors OR stapler with staples
Sorry about the colors being so off in the picture. If you already have a bow tie quilt please bring it for Sharing.

Have a great weekend!


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Pug pix

So I promised a student that I would post some pictures of my sister's pugs. Here they are. Enjoy!

Lucy dressed as a lobster.

Lucy dressed for St Patty's day.

Kenya in her Valentine's scarf.

Lucy and Kenya in matching tops.

Cindi and Kenya at Kenya's first puppy show. She took first in her breed!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Daisy Stems and UFOs

This week we will be learning how to make the stems for last week's daisy quilt. It should be a quick lesson, but is not done in a traditional manner so be sure and come to class!

If you have any UFOs lurking around your house bring them along. We will be discussing UFOs and what motivates us to finish, or not to finish, a project.

It was brought to my attention that the directions for the daisy quilt has an error. Since each pair of 12 inch squares (one background, one flower) makes 2 flowers you only need to cut six 12" squares of each fabric, not 12. I'm truly sorry about all the errors this semester. I will work harder at it next semester, but the best way is to write up the directions, then make a whole new sample and I simply don't have the time or the money to do that. Any suggestions?


Friday, April 04, 2008

Next Week: Daisies!

This week I will teaching you how to make the daisies in the quilt below. We will also be making yo-yos for the centers so please remember to bring the following: large (orange) yo-yo maker, needle, thread, scissors and one 4-1/2" square of fabric. This is a quick quilt and lots of fun to make.
Some kind soul wrote and asked me if I sell patterns for my quilts and jackets. I'm sorry, but I do not have patterns for sale yet. I hope to eventually, but it's a long way down the road. Right now my priorities are: getting my daughter graduated from high school and settled into a good college, making an ensemble for the 2008 Bernina Fashion Show, and getting caught up and maybe even ahead a little with the samples for the community college classes I teach. I never teach the same project twice so I am constantly in need of new samples, handouts, etc.

Correction to Tote Bag Directions

One correction to the tote bag assembly directions. When sewing the two long strips together for the handles, sew them right sides together. Sometimes I wonder where my brain is... :-(