Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sleepless Night

Here I am up in the middle of the night again. I guess I'm just getting to "that age" when we stop needing quite as much sleep, but I've also got a sore throat. I went to the clinic yesterday to see if it was strep (okay let me put this as nicely as I can: free medical clinic because Pierre is in the military and you get what you pay for; absolutely appalling service, don't get me started), but she assured me I do not have strep, I have seasonal allergies. Argh! I don't want more allergies!

So I'm watching The Quilt Show episode about the fabric challenge (I love that sort of thing!) and brainstorming about the spring semester. I know I only have one project actually done for fall, but I have everything planned... I wonder what other people do when they're home alone and can't sleep. I know better than to try to quilt. I am just not a night person and end up ripping more than sewing.

Pierre called from Bahrain last night to catch up. He has spoken to his detailer and the big boss guy in charge of all the Supply Corps (don't you just love my grasp of those technical military terms?!) and he now knows where he's going next summer when he returns from Bahrain. I'm not going to say where just yet (I don't want to jinx us as these things can change and have changed on us before), but if you ask me nicely in class I'll tell you.

I started a new jacket and I'm really excited about the colors. Sometimes when I make a new jacket it's with the idea of teaching it or maybe some day making into a pattern, but this one's just for me. I love love love the colors I've chosen and hope it turns out as artsy and fun as I picture it in my mind.

Time to try to get back to sleep,

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Grocery Totebag

Here is the wild and cRaZy grocery tote bag we will be making this week. Beat the rush and make yours now before they start charging us per plastic bag!

To make this you will need 2/3 yard of heavy fabric such as white denim, duck cloth or canvas. Wash first without fabric softener if you plan on painting the fabric as I did. Try some sun prints! Setacolor fabric paints were used on this project as well as 3 yards of webbing/strapping for the handles.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Beach Towel Bag

This week I will be showing how to make a Beach Towel Bag, designed by Vivian, one of my students. Here is my sample bag. To make this you will need a bath sheet, 3/4 yards of fabric, 30" webbing or strapping ot whatever you call that stuff on the handles and 4 large buttons.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Lesson for July 8-10

Here is a picture of the sample for the lesson next week. Make a personalized cloth book for your favorite little one. Okay, so Lucy isn't my own little one. (I'm between little ones right now with 2 teens.) I borrowed my sister's dogs for the stars of my cloth book, but you can choose whomever you like! Gather 8 pictures (9 if you want one on the back) that tell a simple story and we'll talk about the book in class next week.

Supplies needed that you might not have on hand: Printed Treasures, EQ Printables or another prepared-for-printing fabric product OR Bubble Jet Set liquid and some high count solid white cotton fabric to make your own. This process requires an inkjet printer (do not use a laser printer).

Enjoy a safe holiday weekend!