Monday, September 29, 2008

Warning: Whinge Ahead

Last week was an awful week and this week isn't starting out much better. Early last week one of my son's dear friends died of a pulmonary embollism. They went to the prom "as friends" his freshman and sophomore years. He called her his "mom" because she was always looking out for him. So sad, especially since it was so sudden.

Then I lost one class and will most likely lose another this week due to cutbacks. Still another is in jeopardy. I'm beginning to feel like this economic downturn is trying to tell me something. I don't need the money and maybe I should let those who really need the money keep their jobs. All the harrassment and pressure about numbers is very discouraging and make it hard to remain creative.

On Saturday I missed two calls from my husband and now he's out of the country and can't be reached. Naturally we developed an unknown leak on Sunday (when else?!) with a wet rug in the upstairs hallway. It was outside the bathroom, but that seemed completely dry. Elisia and I hunted and hunted for the leak and we thought we'd turned off the water, but when they replumbed the house apparently they by-passed the shut off valve we used so it continued to leak. I finally got someone out here and it's drying up, but some wall board will have to come out and the bathroom floor will need replacing.

Where do you think the leak was? In the attic crawl space! Who would have thought there were pipes up there? And we never thought of looking up. I guess it came down through the wall. Weird. You learn something new every day. At least we caught it fairly quickly and it didn't go through to the first floor ceiling.

Now I'm not sure what to do because Pierre usually handles the fix-it jobs. He's really handy and I'm sure he'd choose to do it himself if he could. So I need to decide if I can live with a ripped out bathroom floor until he comes for a visit in March/April or should I have some unknown contractor come it. The bathroom isn't used much, just by my daughter when she's home on weekends and she could share my bathroom since it's just the two of us. I was just thinking about repainting the bathroom anyway so the timing is fortuitous, but still...

And today I have a migraine. Is it any wonder?

But on the positive side I've gotten some new bookings for my fashion shows and I have 2 new jacket ideas to work on. I finished Trickles and I love it! (Sorry I can't show you a picture, but i have plans for it!) I'm binding another jacket that is still nameless (honestly I ought to start naming these before I make them!). I have one old jacket all taken apart that I need to reline. I'm hoping to start work on a new jacket pattern soon and plan to multi size the new pattern as well as my favorite. And I finished a wall hanging inspired by an exercise done in a new art quilt group. I'll try to get a picture of it soon to post.

The best news is that my baby sister is coming for her first ever visit to California this weekend! I hope the weather is its usually sunny self. We have lots of ideas of places to visit, including Pug Nationals in Ontario. So I'm going to try to concentrate on the positive this week and let the rest slide off.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Class Cancelled

It is with regret that I have to announce the cancellation of the Wednesday night Mt Carmel class. With recent cutbacks Palomar seems desperate to reduce the number of quilting classes and that was the one with the lowest attendance. I may lose another class as well; we'll see next week.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Lap Quilt Fabric Requirements

The only real difference for the lap quilt will be the background fabric. You will only need 2-1/4 yards of background fabric.

If you are not doing the pieced border of color one/red you will need 1 yard less no matter which quilt you are making and you won't need the border fabric if you decide to finish the quilt as shown in the photo.

Finished sizes:
Lap Quilt no borders: 48" x 60"
Lap Quilt with pieced and print borders: 66" x 78"
Square quilt (see picture) no borders: 60" x 60"
Square quilt with borders (my finished quilt top) 78" x 78"
Rectangular bed quilt no borders: 60" x 84"
Rectangular bed quilt with borders: 78" x 102"

I hope that gives you an option you will be happy with :-)


Class Cancelled?

Well I got The Call today. You know, the one you dread from your boss. If I don't have 20 people in class this week I'm going to have to cancel the class. That won't be a problem for Wednesday afternoon and Thursday night, but the other classes... If you can make it to class this week I'd really appreciate it. I have enough people registered for each class, but you don't all show up at the same time! Cut backs are everywhere.


Monday, September 15, 2008

In prepping for the optional exercise portion of the class I see that you are asked to cut up a bunch of 1" squares of "solidish" fabric. Please don't feel that you need to spend a lot of time on this. Yes, paint chips would work fine if you have the time to get them, but I think crayons or colored pencils would work well also and would have the added benefit that you could color with them in your notebook to remind you of your discoveries. Anything else that you can think of that is small, easily transportable and comes in a variety of colors would work in a pinch: spools of thread? embroidery floss? Use your imagination and don't let cutting up tons of little squares of fabric stop you!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Almost Noel

Here is a picture of the quilt we will be working on this semester sans the final 2 borders. At this point it measures 60" x 60".
With the borders it measures 78" x 78". There will be alternative directions for a rectangular quilt measuring 78" x 98".

Fall 2007 Party Line Quilts

Here are the party line quilts I made last fall with advice from my studetns. We will be doing something similar this semester with the students working on their own. This is optional and in addition to the regular lessons.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Fall Semester

The fall semester starts next week! I have totally finished 2 of the 6 projects and the others are almost done. I may not get the big quilt quilted, but that can happen afterwards if necessary. I was planning on working on it this weekend, but with Elisia coming home from her first week at college and then helping her move into her dorm room on Sunday, it just doesn't look feasible. And I'd rather show an unquilted quilt than a half quilted quilt!

The schedule is: Tuesday nights starting September 9 Bits and Pieces 6-9 (class starts at 6!)
Wednesday afternoons starting September 10 Bits and Pieces 1-4
Wednesday nights starting September 10 Mt Carmel High School 6-9 room B-14
Thursday afternoons starting September 11 Oasis at North County Mall 1-4
Thursday nights starting September 11 Poway Senior Center 6-9

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Final Summer Sharing

I meant to show this yesterday. This is the closeup of Thelma's Split Circle quilt, I just love what she did with the hand quilting! Wendy's guest towel
Wendy's prayer bear with it's own little prayer quilt
Wendy's book cover
Veronica's bathroom quilt. How many of you have quilts in your bathroom? I do!

That's it! Thanks to everyone who sharing their time and talent.
And in an aside, you'll be happy to know that our perseverence paid off. Elisia got the call last night and now has a dorm room! And she's in her first choice of dorms, close to the music buildings on campus. We'll move most of her stuff in this weekend, but she's in now! Yay!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Twelfth Sharing

Trudy's guest towels Trudy's turtle quilt
Trudy's tablerunner
Thelma's 3-D Bowties

Thelma's guest towel
Thelma's Split Circle quilt

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Eleventh Sharing and Elisia Update

Suzy's beach towel bagSuzy's Nine Month Nine-Patch
Ruth's darling apron
Ruth's photo album cover

Ruth's Sahara Collection quilt

My daughter, Elisia, left yesterday for college so I'm officially an empty nester now. Never mind that she called me before she even arrived (she took a wrong turn and was slightly lost... hey at least she had sense to ask for directions!) and again last night (to assure me that she got into the hotel all right). Yes, she's staying in a hotel for a couple of days because she still hasn't gotten housing. She's 5th on the waiting list and we're still hoping she'll get in by next weekend. If not we'll bow to the inevitable and find someone looking for a roommate off campus.
She also called me twice this morning :-) Once to ask if she should take the check to the desk at the restaurant or wait where she was and once again to tell me about her first 2 classes: pre-calc which she is dropping for a lower math (the teacher walked in and said if they weren't planning on continuing on to calculus they shouldn't be in his class) and Harmony which she said was very interesting, but the review covered what little she already knows plus a bit more!
Tonight she has a placement audition. There are 10 tuba students and as a freshman she'll be up against a lot of competition. I have my fingers crossed for her! Good thing she's auditioned so many times by now that she shouldn't get nervous.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Tenth Sharing

Here is a quilt that I took a picture of, but didn't record any information. Possibly a cuddle quilt by Candy? Let me know if you know who's it is! An amazing scrap quilt by Marylyn
Marylyn's version of a Stack and Whack
Jerre's zoo quilt

Jerre's undersea quilt
Deb's Oriental Elegance
Colleen's Halloween quilt